The correct translation of this page should be the following: Game Funds! $5 or more gets you an exclusive game!
製作遊戲的資金大募集! 只要您捐助 5 美元以上就可以獲得一個獨家小遊戲!
Although I have produced EYEZMAZE for fun, it's very difficult to both create games on this site and earn my living. I don't have enough time to create all the ideas I have, and it's especially difficult for me to find time for creating complex games such as the GROW series.
I'm asking for donations as a "tip system". Kind people can "tip" me after playing my games - especially if you loved them. If this tip system works, I promise to keep making great games! I already have many ideas in my mind - please help me make them a reality.
如果您喜歡這些小遊戲的話,希望有好心人可以在玩過之後,捐助我一些資金當作您惠賜的「小費」。在這些「小費」的支持與鼓勵下,我會繼續努力製作更多有趣的遊戲! 請您幫忙將我腦中這些充滿創意的點子實現出來。 Thank you for reading this. 感謝您花費寶貴的時間來讀完我的懇求。
The small gift is [Tontirulin Ver.0] (mini game of Tontie) You can play on your PC (only win or mac).
我為那些好心人準備了一份小禮物 -- [Tontirulin Ver.0](Tontie 系列的小遊戲,您可以先在下面的頁面試玩一下)您可以在 Windows 或 Mac 平台上遊玩。